
“Punched out” multiple myeloma lytic lesions in the skull

The plasma cells neoplasia affects the bones—including the skull—leading to extensive skeletal destruction due to osteolytic lesions and osteopenia ...

Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma Presenting as Punched

Punched-out lesions are osteolytic lesions without sclerotic rim on X-ray examination which are considered as hallmarks of multiple myeloma.

Multiple myeloma | Radiology Case

Multiple well defined 'punched out' rounded lytic bone lesions are seen involving skull vault, well appreciated on the lateral view.

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Multiple punched out lesions: A case report of multiple myeloma

The lesions were radiolucent, corticated, multiple, round, well-defined having punched out appearance. (Figure 2 A,B) Hence the radiologic ...

Routine skull X-ray showed 1.2 cm sized punch

It is usually confined to the lumen of preexisting vessels/vascular malformations. It is characterized histologically by papillary fronds lined by proliferating ...


It can present as a plasma cell mass in the soft tissue surrounding the bony structures through direct extension or in various other organs via hematogenous ...

【衛教天地】顱骨病灶的臨床與影像表現(二) — 腫瘤病灶

典型顱骨影像表現為無數個溶骨性病灶,有人會以蟲蛀樣變化(moth-eaten appearance)或打洞狀病灶(punched-out lesions)來形容其悲慘的顱骨變化。 5 ...

43 在X 光片上,最常見打洞狀病變(punched out lesion)的..

43 在X 光片上,最常見打洞狀病變(punched out lesion)的腫瘤是: (A)骨纖維性發育不良(fibrous dysplasia of bone) (B)骨巨大細胞瘤(giant cell tumor of bone)


Theplasmacellsneoplasiaaffectsthebones—includingtheskull—leadingtoextensiveskeletaldestructionduetoosteolyticlesionsandosteopenia ...,Punched-outlesionsareosteolyticlesionswithoutscleroticrimonX-rayexaminationwhichareconsideredashallmarksofmultiplemyeloma.,Multiplewelldefined'punchedout'roundedlyticbonelesionsareseeninvolvingskullvault,wellappreciatedonthelateralview.,如果有本書叫「醫學生必考1...